As you know, Massachusetts is experiencing an uptick in COVID infection numbers and Essex County is particularly hard hit.  The health of everyone here at the church is first and foremost on everyone’s mind.  Therefore, the members of church leadership met last night to discuss how best to handle the situation and it was agreed that we should pivot to “remote worship” at least though January 2021. 

This does not mean that church is closed.  Jen and Pastor Robin will still be in the office (masked and socially distant) during the week and business will go on as usual.  It’s just that the worship service will be produced ahead of time and shown on Sunday mornings.  The plan is to broadcast on Facebook, You Tube and, hopefully, the church website.  We will still observe Advent and celebrate Christmas and folks here at the church are working hard to make this experience as memorable as possible. 

There is a Taize Meditation service planned for Sunday, December 13th and this will be on Facebook at 7 PM that night.

On Wednesday afternoons at 3:00 PM Pastor Robin will go “live” on Facebook with an Advent message.

Prayer requests can be submitted at any time during the week to Jen in the office or you can email/text Pastor Robin up until Friday evening if you’d like the prayer included in the worship service. 

Food donations are still being accepted and can be dropped off at the church anytime during the week (please wear your mask).  Phoenix Rising is collecting outside the church on Saturday mornings at 11 AM so you can stop by and leave your food donation with them that way as well.  

Adopt a Family gift donations can be dropped at the church Monday through Thursday 9-1.

We appreciate your financial support during this tumultuous time.  I’m happy to report that pledges are ahead YTD so Thank You!   We’re able to accept your pledges and donations via US Mail, by dropping your envelope in the mail slot at the church or you can go online as well.

Thank you all for your understanding.  Please don’t hesitate to call the church office or Pastor Robin directly with any questions or concerns.


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